Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Project Presentation Materials Copied

The project presentation materials of the followings teams have been copied. Now you may delete or rename the files if needed. However, there are some teams whose file(s) could not be copied. They must have received email from the instructor. Please reply to the email ASAP.


Team11/  Team12/  Team14/  Team2/  Team3/  Team5/  Team8/


Team13/  Team14/  Team3/  Team6/  Team8/  Team9/

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Office Hours and Final Exam Schedule

Office Hours

Since the final exam for the OS class is on Tuesday this week, the office hour schedule for this week has been changed to Monday 2-5pm.

Final Exam Schedule

Earier on this board, it was mentioned that we might extend the final exams lengths. It is determined that we will not take this option and the final exams for both OS and LP classes will take place as they are scheduled officially.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Presetation Materials

For those who sent me the locations of their presentation materials by email. Please do not delete or change locations of your material until further notice regarding the presentation material is posted on this board. The same rule applies to LP project teams. Thank you.

LP Presentation Tomorrow

We will start the project presentation from 0900 at std4. At the beginning of the class, I need to talk to team leaders so please come to the instructor's desk. Each team has 15 minutes for presentation and I (and possible other students) may ask some questions or comments on your presentation.

Monday, January 21, 2008

OS Presentation Tomorrow

At the beginning of the class, team leaders come to the instructor's desk. If your team leader is absent, you have to send someone from your team. Otherwise, we will consider that your team has cancelled the presentation.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

LP Exercise 10 (additional info)

The assumptions for Problems 2 were not sufficient. Please use the following code for the first few lines:

case CHAR-STRING: /* handles a[i] */
  t1 <- expr(i);
        /* t1 is assigned the register name having 
        the value of i */
  t2 <- base(a);
        /* t2 is assigned the register name having 
        the address of a[0]* /

LP Project Presentation Program

Project Presentation Program for LP has been posted. Teams 7 and 8 did not submit Exercise 7 (at least in the specified format or to the specified mail address) and they do not have titles. Please talk to the instructor during today's exercise class, OR, your team may not make presentations next week (meaning loss of 20% of the final grade). Also, if there has been any change on your project (such as title), or you find any discrepancy, please talk to the instructor within today's class.

LP Exercise 11

Today's problems are posted on the Execise Page. The submission deadline is 1440 today.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

LP Class Tomorrow

Tomorrow, we will resume normal schedule: we will begin the class with the lecture at M1 for the 1st period followed by the exercise at std4 for the next two periods.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

OS Exercise 10

Today's exercise problems have been posted on the Exercise page. The submission deadline is extended to Jan 16 at 1200 noon.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Project Presentations and Final Exams

Project Presentation

The project presentations will take place on Jan 22 (OS) and Jan 24 (LP). You may use the workstation and the projector in the classroom, or bring your own computer. If any special arrangement is needed, please contact the instructor ASAP.

Final Exams

The final exam schedule has been fixed: 2nd period of Jan 29 (OS) and 4th period of Jan 31 (LP). We may extend the period for the exam so that the students have enogh time to solve the exam problems.

Examination Policies and Rules.

Lecture plans for this week

Operating Systems

On Jan 15, we will cover Chapter 6 "File Systems." Like previous week, the lecture part of the class may be extended.

Language Processing

On Jan 17, we will continue on Chapter 7 "Code Shape.".
As it was annoounced on Dec 20 last year on this board, students have been given reading assignemnts of the textbook for the above chapters. It is quite likely that coming to the class without enough preparation will not be useful for you.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

LP10 Exercise

Today's problems are posted on the Execise Page. The submission deadline is 1210 today. However, we may close the submission by asking the class if all students have finished. No response implies no objection to the early submission close.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

OS Lecture Slides

The URL for the lecture slides from the publisher in the syllabus became obsolete. Please use the slides provided by the author of the textbook .

LP this week

Like last weeks, we will start the class with exercise at std4 for the first two periods and then move to M1 for the lecture for the 3rd period.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

OS Exercise 9

Today's exercise problems have been posted on the Exercise page. The submission deadline is extended to Jan 9 at 1200 noon.