Monday, September 7, 2015

OS Textbook

As most (if not all) students received email from the instructor, we will use Modern Operating Systems: Global Edition (4/e) for the textbook of the Operating Systems class. The price at the university bookstore is 7305 (+tax) Yen. Please contact the bookstore and reserve your own copy, because

  • the bookstore pre-orders only limited number of copies. If you miss one, you may have to wait for several weeks until the 2nd batch of the orders arrives (or you may have to buy at a higher price somewhere),
  • you need your own copy of the textbook on the first day of the class

The ppt files of the "lecture slides" are available at at this URL . Please note that

  • these files are merely figures of the textbook. you have to take notes during the lectures and also add notes based on what you read by the textbook
  • access is limited from domain (contact the instructor if you have any problem).