Friday, December 23, 2011

OS Next Class

As explained in the last class, we will cancel the Operating Systems class on January 4 in consideration of the students who spend the New Year holidays with their families outside Fukushima. Make up classes will be given as follows:

  • The make up class for the lecture will be arranged on the 2nd week of January.
  • The exercise problems will be given as a homework and will be posted on the 1st week of January. You will have (minimum) three whole days to work on the problems.
More detail will be posted on this board.

happy holidays

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

OS Exercise 11 Posted

Today's exercise problems have been posted at the Exercise page. The deadline is at 1210 today.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Email from SAD was incorrect

You must have received (and might have read) email from Student Affairs Division, that notified you the change of classroom. However, it was INCORRECT. Please read the following article on this board: " OS Lecture at S1 This Week".

Always, the information published by the instructor supesedes other sources.

Monday, December 19, 2011

OS Exercise 7 Grade Correction

Grades for Exercise 7 of the Operating Systems have been revised. If you checked your grade earlier, please check it again at TA's page

OS Lecture at S1 This Week

We will begin with the Exercise class at RQ280 (CALL 2) for the first two periods, and will have the lecture at one of RQ275 classrooms, S1 (not LH204).

Midterm Exam and Exercise 7 Graded

Midterm exam and Exercise 7 have been graded and TA posted them on his Grade page (internal access only).

Friday, December 16, 2011

OS Exercise 10 Posted

Exercise 10 has been posted at the Exercise Page. This is a post-lecture exercise and the deadline is December 20, at 2359. Although the problems have been checked, if any errors (such as typos) are found, they will be corrected and the announcement will be posted here. Students who have found any possible errors may report (or ask questions) to the instructor by email.

Amendments to the Exercise Rules and Policies

The following sentences are added to the Exercise Policies and Rules .

Unless otherwise noted, you may use materials, such as books or Internet sites for references for the exercise. However, such material can only be used for REFERENCE. Using such materials directly (for example, copying source code or copy and paste texts) is not allowed. Such an act will be considered academic dishonesty and will receive penalty.

We also plan to check the attendance of students at the beginning of the exercise class (students who are not present may not submit their work). This has been considered unnecessary in the past (and actually was not needed). Unfortunately, this year, several cases of 'unfair' acts have been observed which resulted in the amendments of the rules. However, most students will not be affected by these rules.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

OS Exercise 6 Graded

TA has graded Exercise 6 and posted grades on his grade page (internal access only).

OS Exercise 9 posted

Today's pre-lecture exercise problems have been posted at the Exercise page. Please note that the submission deadline is by the end of the 2nd period.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

OS This Week

As you must have found in the calendar, we will work on the exercise assignments for the first two periods in the lab (RQ 280) and then lecture will be given during the 3rd period at LH 204. We will try to finish Chapter 3 (or proceed as far as we can).

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Mid-Term Exam and Quiz

The review of the mid-term exam and Quiz 1 are extra credit assignments. Therefore, their credits will be added on top of the total points (which consist of mid-term, exercises and final).

From today, we have started pre-lecture execise problems and it is expected that we will have more exercise problems than the past. Therefore, we plan to increase the maximum number of exercise submissions that each student can miss.

From Syllabus:

If a student miss more than three (four) exercises by the mid-term (final) exam, he/she will automatically fail the course. One excuse can be granted if the reason of absence is out of his/her control and proved by an official document (such as doctor's note).

OS Exercise 7 posted

Today's exercise problems have been posted at the Exercise page. Please note that the submission deadline is at the beginning of the 3rd period.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

OS This week (and calendar)

This week, we will begin the class with the exercise at the lab (RQ280, or CALL2) for the first two periods and will have a lecture in LH204 (M4) in the afternoon. The lecture will cover Sections 3.3 "Virtual Memory" and 3.4 "Replacement Algorithm."

Due to technical issues, the URL of the Course Calendar has been revised. If you have added this to your calendar, please replace it with the new one.