Tuesday, September 30, 2008

OS Course Registration

If you have already registered for my OS course and you are on the mailing list provided by the Student Affairs Division, you must have received email with subject "Your OS Clas ID". Please keep this email as we plan to use this ID for each student to retrieve his/her grade-related information.

If you plan to take my OS course and did not receive the above email, please contact os08_assistant©oslab.biz ASAP.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Operating Systems Course Information

Web sites for Operating Systems course are now available.


Modern Operating Systems, 3/E* , by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, ISBN-10: 0136006639, ISBN-13: 9780136006633, Prentice Hall.

*2nd edition (which had been used by last year) should be OK, but use it at your own discretion/responsibility.