Sunday, October 25, 2015

NO OS Class and Office Hours Next Week

As it was announced in the class, due to a business trip of the instructor, the classes of the Operating Systems for the next week have been canceled. The details of the make up classes will be announced later. Also, the office hours on 10/27 (Tue) from 1400 to 1600 have been canceled.

The following are the tentative schedule for the next three weeks:

11/4: Exercise for Sec 2.3 (x2) and Lecture for Sec 2.4 (Scheduling)
11/11: Exercise for Sec 2.4 (x2) and Lecture for Ch 6 (Deadline)
11/18: Exercise for Ch 6, Midterm Exam and Lecture for Section 3.1 (+ 3.2, if possible).

"Tentative" means it is not finalized and may change later, but should be fixed by the class of 11/4.

If you have any question or request for an appointment, please contact the instructor by email.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

OS Exercise 3 Posted

The problems for today's exercise have been posted at the Exercise page.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

OS Next Week

Next week, we will start the class with working on the exercise problem in the lab (RQ146, or std2). The problem will correspond to what we learned in the last lecture (Section 2.2: Threads) and more specifically programming using pthrea libraries.

The lecture in the 3rd period (at LH204, or M4) will cover Section 2.3 Interprocess communication, and this is your reading assignment toward the next Wednesday.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

OS Exercise 2 posted

Today's exercise problem has been posted at the Exercise page . The submission deadline is at 1210. If the deadline is approaching and you consider it is not possible to fully implement the program specifications, try to implement the part of specs, make it working, and submit it. Please note that "No submission" or "compilation error" won't earn any credit.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

OS your ID

If you are registered with the operating systems course, you must have received email from the instructor with the subject "OS_ID" and a number in the message body. The number is used as your ID when the course assistant posts the grading results on his page .

If you are registered with the course, but did not receive the email, please first check the SPAM folder of your email account. If you can't even find it there, please consult with the instructor tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

OS Next Week (and lecture slides)

Since we have finished the lecture for Section 2.1 (Processes and Threads) today, we will work on the exercise problem during the first 2 periods of the next week. Please come to the lab (RQ146o or std2) in the morning. If any of your friends missed today's class, please let them of this schedule

There were mistakes in the lectures slide URLs and now they are fixed. Please access from this URL ( internal access only).

OS Exercise 1 Posted

The problems for today's exercise have been posted at the Exercise page .

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

OS: Course Overview Slides

Course Overview Slides are available at the course web page. (There may be small revisions if any typos are found).