Monday, September 4, 2017

Course Assistant for the Operating Systems Needed

I am seeking a course assistant for the Operating Systems course.

Your tasks may vary according to your academic grade, knowledge and understanding of the course materials (and related fields) and your availability. however, basically

  • assistance in grading
  • assistance of students working in the lab (aka "enshu")
  • Work as a 'tester' on the problems (to find out any mistakes/typos)
We can discuss and negotiate the detail. The class schedule is from Wednesday 2nd and 3rd periods.

The pay rate follows the university standard (750/h and 1000/h for undergrad and grad, respectively).

thank you

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Advanced Operating Systems

An email message was sent to all-masters email list. The email notified the following two points: (1) the contents and the syllabus of the course are currently under revision and (2) we need to order the textbook (Modern Operating Systems 4/e by Andrew S. Tanenbaum) to the university bookstore.

If you are interested in this course but did not receive the email (e.g. you start the master's program from this fall), please contact the instructor ASAP.

Advanced Operating Systems

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

OS Exercise 9 graded

Exercise 9 have been posted and posted on the Moodle.

Typical points of penalty is "missing explanation (or reason)". For example, in Problem 2 Question 1, just writing "slow" did not give you full mark. You should have said "each memory access (in the program) will incur two extra memory accesses (for page tables)."

If you have any question, please ask the instructor during today's class. (you can ask by email but it may not give you enough time to understand the feedback before the final exam).

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

OS Exercise 14 posted

The problems for Exercise 14. This is an early release of the problems than usual so that student can start preparation for not only Exercise 14 itself but also for the lecture tomorrow as well as final exam on Friday. If you find any mistakes or types, please contact the instructor.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

OS Exercise 8 Graded

Exercise 8 has been graded and posted on the Moodle.

Each "Problem" is given 10pts: (1pt for each blank in Problem 1. 5pts for each Question in Problems 2 and 3).

In Problem 2, some students only obtained part of page table sizes (e.g. only the number of entries, or, the size of entry). The total grade (30pts) is scaled to 100% and posted on the Moodle.

Some students did not follow the submission instructions, which appeared in every Exercise problem sheet; most likely

  • Incorrect file name
  • Incorrect file type
If you have any question, please ask the instructor (The assistant may seem easy to ask questions, but he can't raise your grade!).

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

OS Exercise 13 posted

The problems for tomorrow's exercise class have been posted on the Moodle system.

We will work on the similar schedule as previous weeks:

Exercise problems in the lab for the 1st and 2nd periods, finish the exercise class 30minutes earlier and take the lunch break.

We resume the class from 12:40 in the Lecture Hall classroom by reviewing the Exercise 10 problems, followed by the lecture for Chapter 5.

Please come to the lab at 9 tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

OS Final Exam on 2/10

The final exam of the Operating Systems will take place on Feb 10, 1310-1440 (3rd period) in Lecture Hall 205 (M5).

OS Exercise 12 posted

Today's problems have been posted at the Moodle. Please hand in your student evaluation sheet to the assistant before you leave the lab .

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

OS Exercise 7 graded

Exercise 7 submission have been graded and posted on the Moodle. As it was written in the problem, a, p, d commands and error handling are given 30, 20, 30 and 20% of the grade, respectively.

Typical mistakes include:

  • the largest hole size is 'hard-coded' to 64K (not reflecting the actual size of the largest hole)
  • the list structure does not follow the actual memory allocation status
  • hole-merger cases not handled correctly
  • unnecessary 'p' command or debug messsage
Please ask the instructor if you have question.

OS Exercise 11 posted

Today's exercise problems have been posted on the Moodle. Please note that we finish the exercise part of the class earlier (@1130) today.

Monday, January 16, 2017

OS Change of cut-off date for exercise submission

We have changed the definition of the cut-off date for the exercise submission: It was

cut-off date is five weeks from the class, or one week before the final exam, whichever comes first
cut-off date is five weeks from the class, or the end of the day before the final exam, whichever comes first

The final exam is planned on Feb 10 (subject to change). Therefore, Exercise 10 and after can only be submitted by the end of Feb 9.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

OS Exercise 10 posted

Problems for today's exercise class have been posted on the Moodle.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

OS Exercise 6 graded

Exercise 6 submissions have been graded and posted on the Moodle. The following are grading criteria with allocated point(s):

  • Reading input into the appropriate data structures (2pts)
  • Input format error Checking (1pt)
  • Displaying the initial resource allocation (1pt)
  • Banker's algorithm (4pts)
The total points (8pts) are scaled to 100% and posted on the Moodle.

Typical errors/mistakes include:

  • No message is printed out when the initial allocation is unsafe
  • Imcomplete allocation list in the safe case
  • compilation error (why did he submit it?)
  • submission of the template file 'as is' (...)

If you have any question, please talk to the instructor during the Exercise class, office hours, or contact by email.