Friday, January 27, 2012

OS11 Disqualification

All the exercise submissions have been graded and the results have been posted at the Exercise Grade page. Those who disqualified for the class (due to six or more missed/poor submissions) have received email from the instructor.

Please note that this year, we had 'pre-lecture' exercise problems and more exercise problems were expected than pas year. In fact, we only had 14 Exercises and we had to use the same guideline as the past (i.e. 5 or more missed submission for disqualification). However, the revision has already been announed on this board (6 or more for disqualification), we decided to stick with this revised guideline.

The results of Exercise and Exams have been posted on the web. Those who disqualified should be advised that you needed to understand your situation and had to ask questions (or ask assistance) to the teaching staff. If your exercise or exam was graded poor, you should understand that you found points to improve.

Monday, January 23, 2012

OS Exercise 13 Graded

We have graded Exercise 13* and posted the results at TA's Exercise Grade page. There are some students who disqualify for the final exam as the result of Exercise 13 grade. Please read the post on January 13.

* Problem 4 Q2 has been excluded due to poor results.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

OS Exercise 14 Posted

The exercise problems for this week have been posted at the Exercise page. The submission deadline is at 2359 tonight.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Review of Mid-Term Exam

Review of Mid-Term Exam was graded and posted at TA's page. The exam was graded on out of 101 point scale (same as the Mid Term Exam) but will be scaled to 10 points and will be added to your final grade as extra credit.

Those who did now show improvement over the Mid Term Exam, you missed chances to learn what you did not understand.

Exercise Grades Posted

We have completed grading exercise problems up to Exercise 12 and TA has posted the grades on his page.

The Curriculum Guide (Examinations and Assessment of Academic Performance) of the Student Affairs Division says that students need to attend 2/3 of the classes. We measure it by the number of valid exercise submissions. This year, since we will have fourteen exercise in total, if you have missed six or more submissions*, you will disqualify for the final exam. If you have any valid reason for missed submission, you have to contact the instructor immediately. When we have graded the exercise problem of the next year (Exercise 14), those who disqualify will be notified.

(* In Syllabus, it is mentioned that "more than four (i.e. >= 5)" missed submissions disqualify the students, but this year we have more exercise problems that past years and the policy was amended).

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

OS No class on January 25.

According to the Academic Calendar, the classes of January 25 will be replaced with those of Friday. Therefore, January 18 (next week), will be the last day for the Operating Systems class. We will finish Chapter 5 with emphasis on the following sections:

  • 5.4 DISKS

OS Exercise 13 Posted

The exercise problems for this week have been posted at the Exercise page. The submission deadline is at 2359 tonight.

OS Final Exam Schedule

The Student Affairs Division has announced the final exam schedule (annoyingly it's pdf). The final exam for the Operating Systems will take place at the 4th period (1440 to 1620) on February 3 (Friday) at LH204 (M4).

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

OS Tomorrow

As posted on the course calendar, we will use the first two periods for the lectures at LH204 (Mh4).

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

OS Exercise 12 Posted

The exercise problem for this week has been posted at the Exercise page. The submission deadline is at 2359 on JANUARY 9. If it is found that any correction be needed, it will also be mentioned on this board.