Wednesday, December 16, 2015

OS Exercise and Mid-Term Exam Grades

The assistant posted the grade of Exercise 4 on his page (access is limited from domain). We expect to post grades of Exercises 4 and 7 shortly. Also, the mid-term exams have been graded partially; if you would like to know the partial grade, please ask the instructor. Sorry for the delay of grading.

OS Exercise 10 posted

Today's problems have been posted at the Exercise Page . The submission is due at 1100 and we will review the problems during the 2nd period in the classroom (Lecture Hall 204).

Sunday, December 13, 2015

OS This Week

The schedule of this week's Operating Systems is similar to the last week:

  • Work on the exercise problems during the 1st period at the lab. The length of this exercise class may be extended according to the students' progress. The topics covered by the problems will be multi-level page tables and the page replacement algorithms.
  • Move to the lecture hall and review the exercise problems for the rest of 2nd period.
  • The 3rd period is for the lecture that covers the rest of Chapter 3 (mainly on Section 3.7 Segementation, but should also review Sections 3.5 and 3.6 which we might have gone too quickly last week). If time allows, we may proceed to Chapter 4 File Systems.
The sections of the textbook mentioned above are your reading assignments.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

OS Exercise 9 posted (and today's schedule)

The problem of today's exercise has been posted at the Exercise page. The submission deadline is at 1100 and the schedule of today's class is as follows:

  • 9:00 to 11:00 Work on the exercise problems
  • 11:00 to 11:30 Break
  • 11:30 to 12:10 exercise problem review at M4 (Lecture Hall 204)
  • 13:10 to 14:40 lecture at M4 (Lecture Hall 204)

Monday, December 7, 2015

OS This Week

This week, we will work on the exercise problems in Section 3.3 Virtual Memory during the first two periods. The lecture in the third period will cover (and hopefully finish) the rest of Chapter 3 (Section 3.4 Page Replacement Algorithms to the end).

In most classes, the exercise problems complete within the class and you have no homework. You are supposed to spend some time to prepare for the classes next week by reading the appropriate part of the textbook or reviewing the note you took in the class.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

OS Exercise 8 posted

The problem of today's exercise has been posted at the Exercise page . There is an opportunity for extra credit. Please ask the instructor if you are interested.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

OS This Week

As it was announced last week, we will work on the exercise problem related to Sections 3.1 and 3.2 during first two period. Please come to the lab (std2, or Research Quadrangles 146) in the morning on Wednesday.

During the lecture in the 3rd period, we will cover Section 3.3 Virtual Memory (and possibly proceed to 3.4 Page Replacement Algorithms if time allows).

It is you who can make the class meaningful: if you read these sections and prepare for asking questions, you can gain much more than those who are not prepared for the class.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

OS Exercise 7 posted

Today's exercise problem has been posted at the Exercise page . Please make a hard copy of your answers and bring it with you for the review in the 3rd period.

Monday, November 23, 2015

No Office Hour Tomorrow

There will not be office hours tomorrow. If you planned to visit my office, please contact by email and make an arrangement for an appointment. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

OS This Week

This week, we proceed to CHAPTER 3 "MEMORY MANAGEMENT" of the textbook. It is expected to cover the first two sections (3.1 " NO MEMORY ABSTRACTION" and 3.2 "A MEMORY ABSTRACTION: ADDRESS SPACES") during the lecturing in the 1st period. However, it is also possible to proceed to Section 3.3 (VIRTUAL MEMORY) if the time allows. Read these sections, find what the instructor will talk about and look at the keywords (the words in bold letters) -- do 'google' on these keywords.

As it has been told you from the first day of the class, just sitting in the classroom, without textbook and/or taking notes, won't get you anything...

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

OS exercise 6 posted

The Exercise 6 problems have been posted at the Exercise page . The submission deadline is at 1210 of tomorrow (11/18).

Thursday, November 12, 2015

OS Exercise 5 posted

The Exercise 5 problems have been posted at the Exercise page .

The submission deadline is at 2359 of Sunday, Nov 15. (in other words, before Monday next week).

OS Make-up Class Tomorrow and next week

As we have discussed yesterday, we will have make-up classes tomorrow as follows:

5th period:
Exercise (Problems in Section 2.4, Scheduling) at std4 (Lecture Hall 102)
6th period:
Lecture (Chapter 6, Deadlocks) at M2 (Lecture Hall 202)
The problems for tomorrow's exercise class will be posted later today so that you can start working early as homework.

We also have discussed on the schedule for next week as follows:

1st and 2nd periods:
Exercise (Problems in Chapter 6, Deadlocks) at std2 (Research Quadrangles 146). These periods also serve as the help session for the mid-term exam.
3rd period:
Mid-term Exam at M4 (Lecture Hall 204), which covers Chapters 1, 2 and 6
To prepare for the mid-term exam, please read Examination Policies and Rules carefully. If you have any question, please ask the instructor.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

OS id for posting your grades

The students taking the operating systems course must have received email with OD_ID as the subject. Please keep the number in the email message as we use it when posting your grades on assistant's web page.

(This id replaces what we sent you before. sorry for any inconvenience this may cause).

OS Exercise 4 posted

Today's exercise problem has been posted at the Exercise page . The submission deadline is at 1310 (at the end of lunch break). However, it is desired to finish it within the 2nd period, take lunch and prepare for the lecture in the 3rd period.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

OS Schedule Tomorrow

Tomorrow, we will work on the exercise problem in Section 2.3 (Interprocess Communication) at std2 (Research Quadrangles 146) for the first two period. In the afternoon (3rd period), we will study Section 2.4 (Scheduling) at M4 (Lecture Hall 204) .

This evening, you must have received email and we plan to have make-up classes on Friday this week. If this plan conflicts with the course schedule of large fraction of students, we may re-schedule the make-up classes. If it is the case for you, please reply to the email immediately.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

OS Class for tomorrow canceled

Due to the sickness of the instructor, the operating systems classes for tomorrow have been cancelled. The make-up classes (for both last week and this week) will be arranged and will be announced soon. It will be scheduled by taking the class schedule of the registered students of the OS class; however, at this moment, Friday (next week or later) afternoon is a possibility.

Sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

NO OS Class and Office Hours Next Week

As it was announced in the class, due to a business trip of the instructor, the classes of the Operating Systems for the next week have been canceled. The details of the make up classes will be announced later. Also, the office hours on 10/27 (Tue) from 1400 to 1600 have been canceled.

The following are the tentative schedule for the next three weeks:

11/4: Exercise for Sec 2.3 (x2) and Lecture for Sec 2.4 (Scheduling)
11/11: Exercise for Sec 2.4 (x2) and Lecture for Ch 6 (Deadline)
11/18: Exercise for Ch 6, Midterm Exam and Lecture for Section 3.1 (+ 3.2, if possible).

"Tentative" means it is not finalized and may change later, but should be fixed by the class of 11/4.

If you have any question or request for an appointment, please contact the instructor by email.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

OS Exercise 3 Posted

The problems for today's exercise have been posted at the Exercise page.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

OS Next Week

Next week, we will start the class with working on the exercise problem in the lab (RQ146, or std2). The problem will correspond to what we learned in the last lecture (Section 2.2: Threads) and more specifically programming using pthrea libraries.

The lecture in the 3rd period (at LH204, or M4) will cover Section 2.3 Interprocess communication, and this is your reading assignment toward the next Wednesday.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

OS Exercise 2 posted

Today's exercise problem has been posted at the Exercise page . The submission deadline is at 1210. If the deadline is approaching and you consider it is not possible to fully implement the program specifications, try to implement the part of specs, make it working, and submit it. Please note that "No submission" or "compilation error" won't earn any credit.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

OS your ID

If you are registered with the operating systems course, you must have received email from the instructor with the subject "OS_ID" and a number in the message body. The number is used as your ID when the course assistant posts the grading results on his page .

If you are registered with the course, but did not receive the email, please first check the SPAM folder of your email account. If you can't even find it there, please consult with the instructor tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

OS Next Week (and lecture slides)

Since we have finished the lecture for Section 2.1 (Processes and Threads) today, we will work on the exercise problem during the first 2 periods of the next week. Please come to the lab (RQ146o or std2) in the morning. If any of your friends missed today's class, please let them of this schedule

There were mistakes in the lectures slide URLs and now they are fixed. Please access from this URL ( internal access only).

OS Exercise 1 Posted

The problems for today's exercise have been posted at the Exercise page .

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

OS: Course Overview Slides

Course Overview Slides are available at the course web page. (There may be small revisions if any typos are found).

Monday, September 7, 2015

OS Textbook

As most (if not all) students received email from the instructor, we will use Modern Operating Systems: Global Edition (4/e) for the textbook of the Operating Systems class. The price at the university bookstore is 7305 (+tax) Yen. Please contact the bookstore and reserve your own copy, because

  • the bookstore pre-orders only limited number of copies. If you miss one, you may have to wait for several weeks until the 2nd batch of the orders arrives (or you may have to buy at a higher price somewhere),
  • you need your own copy of the textbook on the first day of the class

The ppt files of the "lecture slides" are available at at this URL . Please note that

  • these files are merely figures of the textbook. you have to take notes during the lectures and also add notes based on what you read by the textbook
  • access is limited from domain (contact the instructor if you have any problem).

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The web page for Operating Systems 2015

Web page for this year's Operating Systems course has been created. The content may still be incomplete and/or inconsistent.

As mentioned before, the 4th edition of the Modern Operating Systems was published and now it seems that the Global Edition is also available. The problem is whether it is available for us (at a similar group discount price as 3rd Ed.). Any update will be posted on this page.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Thesis Research Orientation

The thesis research orientation for the new junior (3rd-year) students are scheduled as follows:

Date and Time: April 13 (Monday), 1925 to 1940
Place: Lecture Hall 201 (M1 Classroom).

The slides describing research topics can be accessed from this link .

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

OS Extra Help Session

As we have discussed so far, we will have an extra help session for the students taking the Operating Systems course.

Date and Time:
2/13 (Fri), from 1630 to 1800 (5th class period)
S7 (RQ281)
*Next to the classroom used for regular classes.

We will review the recent exercise problems and give information of your partial grade so far.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

OS Exercise 13 posted

Today's exercise problems have been posted at the Exercise page .

Monday, January 26, 2015

No Office Hours Next Week

Due to a business trip of the instructor, there will be no office hours on February 4.

OS This Week

This week, we will cover the rest of Chapter 5 with emphasis on Sections 5.3 (I/O SOFTWARE LAYERS), 5.4 (DISKS) and 5.8 (POWER MANAGEMENT). These sections are your reading assignments.

Since we will have the last class this week, you should be prepared to ask questions for any material covered in the class (for the preparation to the final exam).

Next week, the instructor will be on a business trip and therefore will not be available for the office hours (or any other in-person assistance). However, we plan to have an extra help session on the 2nd week of February for those in need of assistance toward the final exam.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

OS Ex12 Deadline Extension

Due to the review of the past exercise problems, we extend the deadline submission of today's exercise to 1620 today. This is a hard deadline and submission system automatically closes at this time.

OS Exercise 12 posted

Today's exercise problems have been posted at the Exercise Page.

Monday, January 19, 2015

OS This Week

This week, we will proceed to Chapter 5 "Input/Output." It is expected that we will cover first three sections of the chapter. These sections are your reading assignments.

The student who has not finished the Homework 1 needs to demonstrate that the program works this week (the last chance; no more extension)

  • In addition to the best-fit, the first-fit algorithm is also implemented and correctly working
  • the statistical information is collected and it should reflect the difference of allocation algorithms

We will review the problems of Exercises 8 and 9. Make hard copies of your own work and bring them to the class so that you will understand whether you have solved the problems correctly.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

OS Exercise 11 posted

Today's exercise problems have been posted at the Exercise Page.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

OS This Week

This week we will cover the rest of Chapter 4 (mainly Sections 4.4 and 4.5). These sections are your reading assignments. The student who was absent last week

  • work on the exercise problems of the last week. We will review these problems this week
  • demonstrate the homework 1 at the beginning of the exercise class (2nd period)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

OS Exercise 10 posted

Today's problems have been posted at the Exercise page . Please note that we first review the homework 1 and then start working on the exercise problems.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

OS Next Week

On January 7, we will proceed to Chapter 4 "File Systems" and expect to cover first three sections (i.e. up to Section 4.3 "File System Implementation"). These sections are your reading assignments.

In the 2nd period, we will first review the homework 1; students need to prepare demonstration of your program using the debug input files (and hopefully your own input files).

After the review of the homework 1, we will work on the problems related to the materials covered by the lecture (i.e. Sections 4.1 to 4.3).